Despite the mainstream adoption of weed culture, there are still many negative stereotypes associated with a cannabis lifestyle. For instance, many people still view cannabis as a “retreat” from the world rather than a “life-enhancing substance.” The stereotype of the “loner teen stoner” strengthens this mainstream perception.
In reality, people who adopt a cannabis lifestyle tend to be better off than those who constantly resist reefer. While weed may not be a panacea for the world’s problems, new research suggests adopting a cannabis-friendly attitude could have many benefits.

Why Does A Cannabis Lifestyle Increase Happiness?

A surprising new study from BDS Analytics found that cannabis users have higher happiness ratings than non-weed customers in states with recreational weed laws. These survey results suggested regular cannabis users had zero issues with job satisfaction, productivity, or social connection compared with their non-pot-using peers.

In fact, it appears cannabis consumers had healthier attitudes towards diet, recreation, and friendship versus those who abstained from the drug.

Researchers also noted that cannabis consumers typically used products to help naturally curb health conditions like arthritis, menstrual cramps, or migraines. The natural therapeutic compounds in medical marijuana seem to enhance a patient’s quality of life.

Research by the University of Michigan also found cannabis consumption could help people stay fit. Contrary to popular opinion, marijuana’s “munchies” doesn’t correlate with an increase in body fat. Interestingly, people who took marijuana regularly were more prone to work out and stay in shape, which would obviously help increase a person’s mood!

However, patients don’t need to get “high” to experience the many benefits of a cannabis lifestyle. Plenty of placebo-controlled studies suggest the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD helps reduce social anxiety — even during a public speech. There’s also mounting evidence that CBD can increase the “happy neurotransmitter” serotonin production. Since imbalanced serotonin levels play a crucial role in depression and anxiety, CBD may help patients struggling with these common mental disorders.

cannabis leaf

How Could People Start Experimenting With A Cannabis Lifestyle?

First off, there’s no such thing as “one cannabis lifestyle.” In reality, there are countless “cannabis lifestyles,” each of which works well for different users.

Newcomers must understand that cannabis is a complicated plant. Not every hybrid will have the same impact on customers, and different dosages can alter weed’s effectiveness.

Understandably, when people hear about the benefits of a cannabis lifestyle, they want to experience a strain with ultra-high levels of THC. In reality, most customers who start with high-THC strains have adverse reactions, which may make them wary of trying weed again.


If customers want to try a THC product in a recreationally legal state, they must start with a low dose and carefully monitor their reactions. Some people are more susceptible to THC’s anxiety-producing effects, but most studies suggest low amounts of THC have a lower risk profile.

For those afraid of using THC products, it’s best to try hemp-derived CBD extracts. As hinted above, CBD doesn’t have intoxicating properties, which makes it a safe supplement for daytime microdosing. CBD also has a minimal risk of adverse side effects like hallucinations.

Remember that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” cannabis lifestyle you must follow. As long as your cannabis strategy adds joy to your personal and professional life, you’re on the right path.