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Chex Mix



  • 9 cups Chex cereal
  • Equal parts corn, rice, and wheat Chex
  • 1 cups mini pretzels
  • 1 cup Rye chips
  • 1 cup peanuts (Or your preferred nut of choice)
  • 1 cup Cheez-its
  • ½ cup (1 stick) butter, melted and hot
  • ⅓ cup Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
  • 1 ½ tablespoons seasoned salt
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder
  • ½ tablespoon onion powder
  • Desired RSO/FSECE amount
  • Serving size explained at the bottom of recipe


1. Add the Chex, pretzels, rye chips, Cheez-its, and peanuts together in a large microwave-safe mixing bowl. Gently stir to combine the contents. It’s best to use a rubber spatula to help prevent breaking the Chex.

2. In a separate bowl, whisk the melted butter, cannabis oil, worcestershire sauce, seasoned salt and garlic powder together until thoroughly combined. Drizzle half of the sauce evenly over the Chex mix. Next, give the mix a gentle stir to combine. Repeat by drizzling the remaining sauce over the Chex mix, and stir again until combined.

3. Bake on 250° for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes.

4. After the hour is up, take it out of the oven and spread on parchment paper, or paper towels, until it has cooled to room temperature.

5. You may store the finished product in airtight containers for up to 3 weeks.

Always feel free to substitute your own favorites in place for some of those listed above, such as cheerios, bagel chips or other types of nuts. There are many selections of Chex to choose from as well, though the ones listed come from the original line-up when there were only three types. This recipe is an extra bold, more sauce, version than the original one you find on all Chex boxes.


The dosing will not be truly even as you will have pieces where it soaks in more leaving tiny pockets. In that sense, the saltier and zestier the bite the more likely it is to have a higher dosage! To find the average dosing of a serving, say for a gift bag or to keep you from going over your wanted limit, divide the milligrams (mg) on the package by the amount you used then divide that by the amount of servings you have. This recipe uses 13 cups of solid ingredients and has 26 individual ½ cup servings, but it is up to you to divide it however you see fit! One final thing to remember is these are maximum dosages, as THC will degrade slightly over time when exposed to high heat.

Example of math described above:

Say you use a ½ of a 1g syringe of 80% THC RSO/FSECO –

1. Move the decimal place to the right once to convert percentage to milligrams on a 1 gram (1000mg) unit. If it is two grams, move the decimal place to the right then double the amount of milligrams.

(80%) THC RSO = 800mg THC

2. If using half the tube, divide amount of milligrams in half. If using a third, then divide by 3 and so on with different RSO amounts.

800mg / 2 = 400mg THC

3. Divide total milligrams in batch by amount of servings in the finished baked goods

400mg / 26 ≈ 15.4mg THC per serving

Candied Sweet Potatoes



  • 4lbs Sweet Potatoes, washed and quartered

  • 1 ¼ cups of margarine

  • 1 ¼ cups of brown sugar

  • 3 cups miniature marshmallows

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Desired RSO/FSECO amount

  • Ground cinnamon to taste (usually 1 teaspoon)

  • Ground nutmeg to taste (usually 1 teaspoon)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish.

2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add potatoes and boil until slightly underdone, about 15 minutes. Drain, cool and peel.

3. In a large saucepan over medium heat, combine margarine, cannabis oil, brown sugar, 2 cups marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook, stirring occasionally, until marshmallows are melted.

4. Stir potatoes into marshmallow sauce. While stirring mash about half of the potatoes, and break the others into bite-sized chunks. Transfer to prepared dish.

5. Bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and cover top evenly with remaining marshmallows. Return to oven and bake until marshmallows are golden brown.


To find the average dosing of a serving, say for a gift bag or to keep you from going over your wanted limit, divide the milligrams (mg) on the package by the amount you used then divide that by the amount of servings you have. This recipe technically has 12 individual 3” x 3.25” servings, assuming you use a 9 x 13, but it is up to you to divide it however you see fit! You can always use the equations below to figure out total milligrams or different size squares dosing. One final thing to remember is these are maximum dosages, as THC will degrade slightly over time when exposed to high heat.

Example of math described above:

Say you use a ½ of a 1g syringe of 75% THC RSO/FSECO –

1. Move the decimal place to the right once to convert percentage to milligrams on a 1 gram (1000mg) unit. If it is two grams, move the decimal place to the right then double the amount of milligrams.

(75%) THC RSO = 750mg THC

2. If using half the tube, divide amount of milligrams in half. If using a third, then divide by 3 and so on with different RSO amounts.

750mg / 2 = 375mg THC

3. Divide total milligrams in batch by amount of servings in the finished baked goods

375mg / 12 ≈ 31.25mg THC per 3” x 3.25” serving

To figure out dose size in different sized pans use these steps:

1. Use the original pan size to figure out the total area.

9 x 13 = 117 square inches

2. Take the total servings you want and divide the area by amount of servings.

117 square inches / 12 = 9.75 square inches per serving.

3. Square root the total amount of inches to find single serving square length.

√ 9.75 = 3.12 inches

4. One 3.12 x 3.12 square is one serving

5. To make it easier to measure inside the 9 inch pan, move the .12 from the one side to the other and you’ll get roughly equal 3 x 3.25 single serving squares.