Could consuming cannabis after your workout be helpful?

Cannabis use and exercise may seem counterintuitive since stereotypes of the lazy stoner have bombarded society since the 70s. Figures like the Furry Freak Brothers and Cheech and Chong are endearing characters, but they aren’t portrayed as being particularly motivated.

These days, attitudes are changing, and many people, including professional athletes and yoga practitioners, attest that cannabis products help them with their practice, especially for post-workout recovery.

Let’s examine the facts.

Benefits of Consuming Cannabis After Your Workout

After working out, most people focus on rehydrating, resting, and eating protein and vitamin-rich foods. However, consuming cannabis may take your post-workout routine to the next level. 

Cannabis can increase your post-workout appetite.

The two-hour period after exercise is the ideal time for your body to make productive use of nutrients. However, many people don’t feel like eating immediately after working out. 

Since cannabis typically stimulates the appetite, you may be more inclined to eat a substantial, nutritious meal if you vape herb shortly after your workout.

In this case, THC-containing products are your best choice for encouraging post-workout munchies. Unfortunately, CBD tends to have the opposite effect by reducing appetite.

Cannabis can speed up recovery times.

When you work out, you’re temporarily damaging muscle fibers, which then recuperate to become stronger than they were before. Anyone who has ever engaged in strenuous exercise is familiar with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Many athletes either endure the pain or use over-the-counter NSAIDs to reduce inflammation and muscle aches. However, long-term use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen can cause detrimental health effects, such as stomach ulcers and liver damage. NSAIDs can even inhibit muscle protein synthesis, destroying your gains.

Fortunately, CBD and cannabis products excel at reducing inflammation and easing muscle aches and joint pains. A 2019 study conducted by the University of Colorado confirms that cannabis use helps muscles recover and even makes exercise more enjoyable, encouraging people to continue with their exercise programs.

Cannabis can help reduce muscle spasms.

A host of studies confirm that cannabis helps reduce muscle spasms. Reducing muscle spasms not only aids post-workout recovery but may also help people with neurodegenerative diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) participate in exercise.

Cannabis can help people with specific conditions engage in regular exercise.

We’ve already mentioned MS, but cannabis may also help people with other conditions improve their quality of life, which includes participating in physical activities. For example, the only FDA-approved cannabis-based drug is Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication designed to help people with severe forms of epilepsy like Dravet’s and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes. Fewer seizures mean more time to engage in athletic activities. Cannabis use may also help people with peripheral neuropathy reduce symptoms and participate in regular exercise.

Cannabis may increase muscle growth.

Cannabis gets a bad rap for lowering testosterone levels. However, high-CBD cannabis increases levels of growth hormones that are crucial to enhancing muscle mass. 

Cannabis can help athletes recover from injury.

Preliminary studies have also shown that cannabinoids like CBD may enhance bone healing. Using cannabis post-injury can potentially help athletes get back into the game faster.